Thursday, February 6, 2014

Emotional Health throughout Surrogacy

After the last un-matching I decided to take a month or 2 and focus on my life and not focus on surrogacy.
Just as in  relationships; in surrogacy  I needed to center and establish my heart in where I am, what I learned from the experience and how I will proceed in the future.  Now that I have done that.

I am now back to actively looking for a match.

Some things have changed for me.
#1 I gained 30 pounds from the IVF meds and birth control.. no bueno for me... I have gotten back on track and have already lost 9 pounds .. but it got me thinking. The medications are SO unnecessary.

#2 I really would like to do surrogacy naturally.. with traditional surrogacy.  In Utah it is not illegal to do traditional, just not legally recognized and cant get a PBO. I found how it is worked around. There is still a  surrogacy contract, however the only change is when the baby is born the father is put on the Birth Certificate and the mother will do step parent adoption. The surrogacy contract would clarify custody and agreement so that the IP's are protected.

It has never been an issue for me to think of doing traditional however I hadn't seriously considered it due to my perception of the laws here.

#3 I am excited to look and open up to new IP's :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Utah Surro options are opening up!!

This morning at 4 am I was informed Utah state law on gay marriage changed.

What does this have to do with Surrogacy ?? well  a WHOLE HECK OF ALOT!!
Utah state law states that surrogacy here must be:
Gestational surrogacy;
with a married couple;
who provide at least one gamete to the embryo...

Anyone notice a BIG PIECE that's changed?



On a personal note.. I'm still looking for a wonderful perfect match- in no rush.. so I'm taking my time... :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I hate the roller coaster !!

 I am no longer Matched and carrying for Goldilocks and Papa Bear. Due to health problems Goldilocks cant continue with the journey. Its unfortunate but it happens...

So I am back to looking for IP's!!
I hate this Roller coaster!

But whomever I'm meant to carry for will come my way :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 7: Birthing center Tour

SO today we went to Lowes to get Christmas lights cause she needed to get more for the side of the house.
then we went to the Birthing Center.. It was a very lovely Birthing center! Goldilocks is convinced she's having twins so doesn't feel we will be going there... but it would be great if we did.. she has LOVELY birthing tubs!!  I really hope I get to give birth there!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 6: Haul out the HOLLLYYYY

Today we went to the clinic to sign some papers. I had to say it was ok that the IF went to Europe and another agreement for surrogacy.

Then she took me to her doctor, cause I have a persistent cough and was hoping her Dr would have a better Idea on how to make it better.. he said the same thing my dr did, still gave me a steroid shot and gave me cough meds and antibiotics.. so that's cool.

When we got home we decorated the front yard for Christmas.. It was a LONG day and a hard day...

I put all those little red lights on stakes and put them all in the ground, put the candy canes in, and helped attach the big candy canes.. I also fluffed and lighted 2 tress by the garage and put the snowflakes up over the garage :) It was alot of work.. but worth it cause it ended up really pretty 

You cant see in this pic but that boo boo I got putting the lights up is all swollen up :(( its all good.. for the love of CHRISTMAS!  

We have an OFFICIAL calendar!

We have an OFFICIAL calendar! I just got off the phone with our coordinator and transfer WILL BE Dec 16th!! and she's email the whole schedule right now!!

That makes the baby's new due date Sept 3rd :)
woo hoo!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Days 4-5 in Texas

Yestrday was pretty uneventful, just church. It was pretty neat cause their church house is pretty identical to mine (same colors and couches even!) so it was nice being a familiar home like building :)

My first encounter was "interesting" .. but after that it was lovely, everyone in the bishoprick came up and shook my hand and introduced themselves. It was nice being a little more than a stranger. .. now I know how non-members feel when they come to services ha ha. Poor Goldilocks kept stumbling on who I was.. I heard "she's the surrogate person" "she's the lady that's gonna do the baby thing" poor thing.. So I just started introducing myself as her surrogate, or refer to me as her oven for her baby bun. I can totally see how in her church how she can feel even sadder about not having a baby EVERYONE is pregnant and has 3-5 kids!! I'm SERIOUSLY NOT exaggerating here!! The baby parent ratio is REALLY HIGH!! But soon enough she'll get her baby(ies) ..

We are currently in a "battle" about what gender and when she is getting them LOL its a fun thing to toss back and fourth LOL at least we both agree there are 2 boys and a girl... she's thinking a boy girl set of twins then a single boy .. I'm thinking a girl then twin boys ... so we SHALL see :P at least we agree on 3 kids-  2 boys and a girl :) then again its in gods hands right ?

OK so that was yesterday
Before we headed to Yoga, We called the clinic coordinator to get clarification on some things. Before my calendar was tentatively that if I start my BCP on the 18th then I will start meds on the 2nd and transfer the 18th.. well after seeing the Dr I started the BCP on the 15th , which bumped us ahead 3 days. SO that moved our transfer to the 16th (15th is a Sunday)  Then also we were checking on the eggs to see how many we had. The Dr said we only had 8 eggs, so Goldilocks was like Umm no we have more than that. So checking with the coordinator yep!! they not only have 18 eggs.. but 18 EMBRYOS!! woo hoo!!

So then we headed to go do some Bekram Hot yoga, Goldilocks is an instructor and wanted to show me what she does. OMG can we say HOT!! Can I just say when I normally workout I really dont sweat a whole lot, like a little but never to the point that its DRIPPING!! For the first time in my life I sweat like a pig walking through a desert!! :P I was proud of myself I made it through the whole 90 minute session in a room that was 106 degree's! I was sweating so bad I am sure I was shrink wrap steaming! LOL

Then we went to Lunch with my Niece Rachel. It was lovely seeing her, I haven't seen her since little Donna was 6 months old! so about 2 1/2 years!! We ate at the Galleria mall Cheesecake Factory. It was a fun lunch, I had Salmon and veggies, then Goldilocks and I shared a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. During lunch the clinic called we had some adjustments to make to the calandar, that's when she told me the Dr moved our schedule back to the 20th and she said she'd reach him and find out why because if nothing he needed to move it forward.

After lunch she wanted to go "shopping" .. OMG I have never in my life been in a mall like this..  this next part may make me sound like a poor girl from the poor side of the tracks but OMG! there was every designer imaginable at this mall!! wen into Jimmy Choo.. they had $800 sneakers!!  I thought that was crazy till we went into another store where she tried on a rabbit fur coat, that was $1400 , I think I nearly fell over!  then as I walked around scared to SNEEZE on anything, there were these heals that had a bottom and legs as the heal... the guy told me they were an exact replica of Charlese Tharron's butt and legs, they were $3500!!! I nearly swallowed my tongue :P
Yeah so that was fun though ...

Then AFTER leaving the mall Goldilocks got called by the Dr, he went over the quality and egg info!! we have 9 of the 11 -  5 day embryo's are the highest ranking quality even possible! and the other 2 are right below that and all of the other 7- 6 day embryos are all great quality too! So they were thinking of doing the PGD testing, but the Dr said with ratings like that there is NO NEED!  woo hoo!!

Then like 5 mins later our coordinator called me to tell me she is still finding everything out with the calendar and that she just needs final approval from the Dr and if she has her cerrothers its gonna be on the 16th! and she also needed to send her a copy of the surrogacy contract agreement.

So we arrived  home both Goldilocks  and I both had a headache so we just vegged out the rest of the night.

Cant wait for an email or call from the coordinator in the AM :)

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